(2017) SecondHands

Designing robotic systems that can offer help to a maintenance technician in a pro-active manner

The topic addressed by SecondHands is to advance abilities and key technologies relevant to industrial robotics and to improve the technology readiness level in the areas of cognition, human-robot interaction, mechatronics, and perception. SecondHands aims to develop a robot assistant that is trained to understand maintenance tasks so that it can either pro-actively, or as a result of prompting, offer assistance to automation maintenance technicians performing routine and preventative maintenance. Conceptually the robot’s task is to provide a second pair of hands to the maintenance technician, such that once the robot has been trained, it can predict when it can usefully provide help and knows which actions to take to provide it.

Location: LASA, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland [Aug. 2017 – Mar. 2020]
Supervisors: Prof. Aude Billard
Funding: European project H2020-ICT-2014-1
My role in this project: Scientific researcher


A dynamical system approach for detection and reaction to human guidance in physical human-robot interaction
M Khoramshahi, A Billard
(2020) Autonomous robots

Force Adaptation in Contact Tasks with Dynamical Systems
W Amanhoud, M Khoramshahi, M Bonnesoeur, A Billard
(2020) ICRA

Reactive Motion Planning for Human-Robot Cooperative Tasks Under Uncertainties
M Khoramshahi, Y Zhou, J Gao, M Wachter, T Asfour, A Billard
(2019) RSS Workshop on Robust Task and Motion Planning

A dynamical system approach to motion and force generation in contact tasks
W Amanhoud, M Khoramshahi, A Billard
(2019) RSS

Evaluation of an industrial robotic assistant in an ecological environment
B Busch, G Cotugno, M Khoramshahi, G Skaltsas, D Turchi, L Urbano, M Wachter, Y Zhou, T Asfour, G Deacon, D Russell, A Billard
(2019) ROMAN

Intention-based motion adaptation using dynamical systems with human in the loop
M Khoramshahi, A Billard
(2018) IROS Worskhop on Machine Learning in Robot Motion Planning

From human physical interaction to online motion adaptation using parameterized dynamical systems
M Khoramshahi, A Laurens, T Triquet, A Billard
(2018) IROS
